Jonathan MERCIER
6 years ago
Firstly thanks for your amazing libraries.
Currently I am working to port some R code to Java, and I encounter some
What is the equivalent of:
- the R class "lm" ?
- of intercept: Z ~ y-1 or z ~ 1
*R examples:*
Y ~ A      | Y = βo + β1A   | Straight-line with an implicit
Y ~ -1 + A   | Y = β1A| Straight-line with no y-intercept; that is, a
fit forced through (0,0)
Y ~ A + I(A^2)| Y = βo+ β1A + β2A2| Polynomial model; note that the
identity function I( ) allows terms in the model to include normal
mathematical symbols.
Thanks for your help
Jonathan MERCIER
Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine (CNRGH)
Researcher computational biology
PhD, Jonathan MERCIER
Bioinformatics (LBI)
2, rue Gaston Crémieux
91057 Evry Cedex
Tel :(33) 1 60 87 83 44
Email :*** <mailto:***>
Firstly thanks for your amazing libraries.
Currently I am working to port some R code to Java, and I encounter some
What is the equivalent of:
- the R class "lm" ?
- of intercept: Z ~ y-1 or z ~ 1
*R examples:*
Y ~ A      | Y = βo + β1A   | Straight-line with an implicit
Y ~ -1 + A   | Y = β1A| Straight-line with no y-intercept; that is, a
fit forced through (0,0)
Y ~ A + I(A^2)| Y = βo+ β1A + β2A2| Polynomial model; note that the
identity function I( ) allows terms in the model to include normal
mathematical symbols.
Thanks for your help
Jonathan MERCIER
Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine (CNRGH)
Researcher computational biology
PhD, Jonathan MERCIER
Bioinformatics (LBI)
2, rue Gaston Crémieux
91057 Evry Cedex
Tel :(33) 1 60 87 83 44
Email :*** <mailto:***>