[dbcp] Unnecessary ROLLBACK's with BasicDataSource
Andrey Shcheglov
2018-08-21 15:01:26 UTC

If BasicDataSource (version 1.4, as I'm limited to Java 1.6) is
configured with defaultAutoCommit=false, then two extra ROLLBACK's are
executed, one when a database connection is taken from the pool, and
another one when returning a connection to the pool.
T4CConnection(PhysicalConnection).rollback() line: 1950
PoolableConnection(DelegatingConnection).rollback() line: 368  
PoolableConnectionFactory.passivateObject(Object) line: 685
line: 1559
KeyedObjectPoolFactory, AbandonedConfig) line: 1545 
BasicDataSource.createDataSource() line: 1388  
BasicDataSource.getConnection() line: 1044 
T4CConnection(PhysicalConnection).rollback() line: 1950
PoolableConnection(DelegatingConnection).rollback() line: 368  
PoolableConnectionFactory.passivateObject(Object) line: 685
GenericObjectPool.addObjectToPool(Object, boolean) line: 1379  
GenericObjectPool.returnObject(Object) line: 1342  
PoolableConnection.close() line: 90
PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.close() line: 191 
Thus, each successful database transaction is a sequence of:

1. ROLLBACK (connection taken from the pool)
2. do something with the database connection (application code)
3. COMMIT (application code)
4. ROLLBACK (connection closed)

(instead of a single COMMIT), while each failed one is a sequence of

1. ROLLBACK (connection taken from the pool)
2. do something with the database connection (application code)
3. ROLLBACK (application code)
4. ROLLBACK (connection closed)

(instead of a single ROLLBACK).

This behaviour applies an additional pressure to the redo and undo
subsystems (particularly, in /Oracle/ case, but the problem holds for
any database accessed via /commons-dbcp/, e. g.: I observed the same
issue with /MySQL/).

*Question 1*: how can I get rid of these extra ROLLBACK's while still
having my data source configured with defaultAutoCommit=false (i. e.
without the need to manually call setAutoCommit(false) for each
connection taken from the data source)?

*Question 2* (I'm aware I may be barking up the wrong tree, but still):
alternatively, how can I mitigate the issue from /Oracle/ side (i. e.
without changing my code or replacing libraries)?


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Bernd Eckenfels
2018-08-21 16:39:22 UTC

Can you proof that this puts additional pressure on the database? It does make some uneccessary round-trips but the database will just ignore the rollbacks when there are no open changes/transactions IMHO. Did you see somewhere on the database otherwise?

Using rolllback unconditionally to reset the state of transactions is easier and more reliable than actually trying to keep track. If it does indeed affect the database it would be a bit more work to come up with another solution.


Von: Andrey Shcheglov <***@jetbrains.com>
Gesendet: Dienstag, August 21, 2018 5:01 PM
An: ***@commons.apache.org
Betreff: [dbcp] Unnecessary ROLLBACK's with BasicDataSource


If BasicDataSource (version 1.4, as I'm limited to Java 1.6) is
configured with defaultAutoCommit=false, then two extra ROLLBACK's are
executed, one when a database connection is taken from the pool, and
another one when returning a connection to the pool.
T4CConnection(PhysicalConnection).rollback() line: 1950
PoolableConnection(DelegatingConnection).rollback() line: 368
PoolableConnectionFactory.passivateObject(Object) line: 685
line: 1559
KeyedObjectPoolFactory, AbandonedConfig) line: 1545
BasicDataSource.createDataSource() line: 1388
BasicDataSource.getConnection() line: 1044
T4CConnection(PhysicalConnection).rollback() line: 1950
PoolableConnection(DelegatingConnection).rollback() line: 368
PoolableConnectionFactory.passivateObject(Object) line: 685
GenericObjectPool.addObjectToPool(Object, boolean) line: 1379
GenericObjectPool.returnObject(Object) line: 1342
PoolableConnection.close() line: 90
PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.close() line: 191
Thus, each successful database transaction is a sequence of:

1. ROLLBACK (connection taken from the pool)
2. do something with the database connection (application code)
3. COMMIT (application code)
4. ROLLBACK (connection closed)

(instead of a single COMMIT), while each failed one is a sequence of

1. ROLLBACK (connection taken from the pool)
2. do something with the database connection (application code)
3. ROLLBACK (application code)
4. ROLLBACK (connection closed)

(instead of a single ROLLBACK).

This behaviour applies an additional pressure to the redo and undo
subsystems (particularly, in /Oracle/ case, but the problem holds for
any database accessed via /commons-dbcp/, e. g.: I observed the same
issue with /MySQL/).

*Question 1*: how can I get rid of these extra ROLLBACK's while still
having my data source configured with defaultAutoCommit=false (i. e.
without the need to manually call setAutoCommit(false) for each
connection taken from the data source)?

*Question 2* (I'm aware I may be barking up the wrong tree, but still):
alternatively, how can I mitigate the issue from /Oracle/ side (i. e.
without changing my code or replacing libraries)?


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